1997-04-25 - Las Vegas
Turnê: Popmart
Músicas tocadas: 25
Gravações de áudio: 1
Vídeos: 1
  1. Mother am I still your son
  2. Another thing that developed (for the better) through the tour. All these highs and lows from later Mofos make it so much better as an opener.
  3. Literallly how long did they have to rehearse the pop songs?
  4. Ok. Trivia people. What is the longest version of Mofo ever played?
  5. Mother fucking rocking fucking roll should have been the title of the bootleg haha
  6. Love the ending of mofo
  7. Mofo to I will follow is a huge change lol
  8. Good transition

    bounce bounce bounce bounce
  9. Some familiar ground now.
  10. Waggahwaaay waggaawaayyy