2023-10-20 - Las Vegas
Тур: U2:UV Achtung Baby at the Sphere
Песен исполнено: 23
аудиозаписи: 1
  1. Man I’m really digging when love come to town in that video. Fantastic stuff
  2. I'm definitely feeling the post-concert depression after this one - I can't resist stopping to watch every Sphere video I scroll by. The visuals onscreen were amazing, and the band sounded fantastic too (Bono's voice really impressed me, and Bram did a great job of sounding like Larry while also putting his own touch on certain parts). I'm crossing my fingers that a recording pops up on here soon, I'd love to add it to my collection to relive over and over.
  3. Originally posted by moconnell23:I'm definitely feeling the post-concert depression after this one - I can't resist stopping to watch every Sphere video I scroll by. The visuals onscreen were amazing, and the band sounded fantastic too (Bono's voice really impressed me, and Bram did a great job of sounding like Larry while also putting his own touch on certain parts). I'm crossing my fingers that a recording pops up on here soon, I'd love to add it to my collection to relive over and over.
    Same here!