U2 - Birmingham NEC 12th November 1984 - Soundcheck only
01-Crew sounds 04:22
02-Wire 04:56
03-The Unforgettable Fire 05:37
04-Interlude 1 02:04
05-A Sort of Homecoming 05:22
06-A Sort of Homecoming (drum segment) 01:15
07-Bad 06:13
08-Interlude 2 00:45
09-Preparation of MLK sounds 00:58
10-Indian Summer Sky (intro segments) 01:34
11-Indian Summer Sky (inc Edge backing voc) 03:36
12-Pride (incomplete) 01:32
Total running time 38:29
All tracks are instrumental versions. Bono does not appear to be in the building.
This recording may be a bit of a lemon as I know virtually nothing about it.
I am making it available simultaneously as SHN (for the purists) and MP3.
I personally believe that the quality is not good enough to merit downloading it
as anything other than MP3 but that´s up to individuals.
I acquired a tape of it in mid 1985 via a trading partner, who knew nothing about
it either. My copy is certainly not better than third or fourth generation, if that.
Yet as it seems to be otherwise uncirculated (whoever has a better copy has been
sitting on it for years) then I guess it has to be me who puts it out to the masses.
I don´t even know if it is the band who is playing all the time, (as opposed to crew),
but I suspect that the taper would not have recorded it if that were not the case.
Edge´s voice can certainly be heard in the last verse of Indian Summer Sky.
IMHO the only tracks worth downloading are 2,3,4,5,6,7,9,11 and 12. The others are
included only for the sake of completion.
I have removed the lengthier silences. The original taper turned the recorder on and
off on numerous occasions and the relevant clicks were also removed.
This was transferred from an audio tape via the line in input on a Soundblaster Live,
and recorded using Sound Forge 4.5 in 16 bit stereo. The hissy left channel was
removed and the recording converted to mono. I slowed it down some 10 per cent
Then it was processed with the Sonic Foundry Noise Reduction plug in.
The Wav file was then converted back to stereo and split into seperate tracks.
A multi-tap delay was added to each track to simulate stereo. The more interesting
tracks underwent EQ adjustments.
Tracks 4 and 6 were treated with a noise gate process to enhance the drum sounds.
The middle of track 4, and track 3 were also treated with reverb.
All files had stereo widening added at this point and then normalised.
As this is a somewhat incohesive recording anyway, I have tried to bring out the best
in each track. I have not attempted to maintain a uniform sound balance as I cannot
see anyone sitting through the whole recording in one go.
This is probably mostly of interest to musicians but it also sheds some light on the
way in which U2 were setting up their stage set at the time.