1. [london#4a]


  2. ...still a bit early I guess...no images of Adam's "first" shirt...


    (but I'm glad THE pants are back... )
  3. [london#6a]

  4. ...and also the first London 5 shirt has now been identified:

  5. I couldn't find any decent pictures of Adam's shirt from Glasgow#1 on Instagram, but luckily Matt
    from u2gigs has some brilliant ones (hope he doesn't mind I "lend" them until some alternates turn up :



    *a bit surprised that Adam didn't wore a shirt with a showdate, especially since there was an auction for "Walk In My Shoes," explicitly stating:

    As the lucky winner, you will have an opportunity to go backstage on November 7th for a tour of U2's innovative production and staging.

    Adam will then personally sign this one-of-a-kind shirt for you, which was worn on the November 6th iNNOCENCE + eXPERIENCE tour stop in Glasgow and depicts a significant date chosen for either a historical venue or something that happened at the show.
  6. OK...it is official: at the second Glasgow gig, Adam wore exactly the same as on the first night!


  7. One more from Glasgow 2 - picture by Remy, slightly modified

  8. [paris#1a]
  9. No "date shirt" tonight either?
  10. Nope...

    ...in fact, Adam is wearing the same outfit for four consecutive shows now...


  11. Whoo-hoo!!!

    Adam made a Adam's shirt video and posted it on facebook... BIG LIKE

    Another show, another t-shirt. Adam Clayton on camera, backstage from #U2ieTour in Paris

    Another show, another t-shirt. Adam Clayton on camera, backstage from #U2ieTour in Paris. For more, don’t miss #U2onHBO this Saturday night @ 9PM ET in the US and Canada.

    Posted by U2 on Miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2015

    Adam must be really biting his ...eh... "what-bassplayers-bite" now: 4 nights already the same outfit
    But this video is a VERY nice gesture to all the Adam shirt lovers in the world (there are at least two of them, me included )

    So wondering what Paris 4 will bring... (let's predict )
  12. Could me from a lot of shows, but Paris is not unlikely...
