1. hi guys correct my if i'm wrong but parts near the e stage the g.a looks kinda empty or not really bunched up as much as on previous tours, thoughts?, this is just my opinion on what iv'e seen of the tour so far
  2. Based on.. photos? Videos? Accounts from people who were in GA?
  3. afew photos, some videos i have seen, and friends family who have been to shows that they claim the GA area is not as tight and crowded compared to other tours,
  4. This discussion belongs to the I+E General Discussion topic, I think.
    Perhaps Alex or other members that were in GA could answer this.
  5. Originally posted by u2_michaelc:[..]
    afew photos, some videos i have seen, and friends family who have been to shows that they claim the GA area is not as tight and crowded compared to other tours,
    Yep, I've seen the same thing. It's good news I guess!

    (and yes, this one belongs in the general thread..)