2015-07-31 - New York
Tour: Innocence and Experience tour
Songs played: 27
Audio recordings: 1
  1. Oh well...just a thought from a fan of both
  2. Please no
  3. Oh hell yes! (just to be counter to everyone)
  4. Originally posted by LikeASong:[..]
    haha Maybe you understand why I signed off earlier during Boston 3 and 4... lol It's almost 5 AM here when they play the last song!

    yes! you're all heroes.
    love U2 from the bottom of my heart, but I wouldn't be listening if it starts at 2 am here.
    when the tour begins in europe it will be even earlier
  5. Originally posted by andreamacedo:[..]

    yes! you're all heroes.
    love U2 from the bottom of my heart, but I wouldn't be listening if it starts at 2 am here.
    when the tour begins in europe it will be even earlier
    then the fun really starts

  6. We should be funding whoever's hoarding soundboards from all the concerts.
  7. same. I wouldn't mind mick jagger on the stage for a song? would rather have that than another cover band, iac.
  8. I'm looking forward to the meet up! (and the show, like, let's be serious) I think it's a fabulous idea and it will be neat to meet some other die-hard fans.
    See you in a few days!
  9. why does everybody think europe is going to be any different from the first leg
  10. I believe there will be slight variation. A month off to work on new songs. Maybe debut for SOE which I'm sure they'll put in studio time. Plus I would guess the "I'm an American" banter/theme will go away and be replaced...