1. Here is the show as broadcasted here in The Netherlands, apologies for some of the annoying subs but you can see it to spot the differences between the HBO one (which are huge). It's also the same as broadcasted on Canal+ in French (although not accelerated) and on RTE:

  2. HBO has blocked the video from being available in the US by the way, so sorry for that. It does work in Europe.
  3. Great!
  4. oh i didn't read the post of Remy but anyway in Italy will be broadcasted tomorrow, i wait......bye
  5. Looking forward to seeing this for the first time tomorrow (except Elevation).
  6. Amen. I'll watch it for Dany.
  7. Should be good gonna try spot myself in the crowd. Will make a cuppa when elevation comes on
  8. i think is the right one , tonight on sky 1 22,50 Rome time broadcasted in tv......
  9. The first one I posted was in blue color, this 2nd one in white and the last one in red (france flag colors)

    hope someone likes it