2016-10-05 - Daly City
Tournée: Various Dates
Morceaux joués: 15
Enregistrement audio: 1
Vidéos: 1
  1. so happy bullet has not gone away.and i still am afraid of americans
  2. atu2 posted a transcript of the Bullet conversation/rant, one of the lines is 'her name is liberty'... In God's Country snippet?
  3. Originally posted by CMIPalaeo:atu2 posted a transcript of the Bullet conversation/rant, one of the lines is 'her name is liberty'... In God's Country snippet?
    Do not tempt them
  4. Just saw video of California and many of you know I'm not fan of the song, but it really sounds good at this show
  5. Checked out California again, don't understand what all the fuzz is about
  6. Can't get enough of Bullet.


  7. The fuzz is about the fact that it was its 7th performance ever and it had dedicated visuals. The performance itself is not that special.
  8. It had some nice rearrangement with the backing vocals and gtr during chorus. Nice to see it didn't go into the trashcan, and maybe just needed some tweaks in arrangement.

    Imagine if Do You Feel Loved showed back up with some nice rearrangement. Certainly more than we were expecting from this show.