1. May be what people are on about

    Most of the footage is audience but the audio definitely sounds like an SBD, if not it is an exceptionally good IEM.
  2. I assume the DVD is all ready to go. Ready and packaged for an announcement as soon as this tour ends. Orders start and then shipped immediately. Perfect for the Christmas period.
  3. That video above sounds like IEM to me. If that is the official audio then it is the worst mixed they have ever put out.
  4. The video is obviously fan-made, with the Power Director stamp on it LOL. Audio doesn't sound too bad
  5. At this point, I don't think there's going to be a DVD. At least not this year.

    Just my two cents.
  6. Do we need one?

    I'd prefer the Berlin one to be out sooner.
  7. I still want them to release it and think they will before the end of the year with an announcement after the E&I tour. I don’t think it will effect when the E&I dvd is release either. The I&E Paris show wasn’t released until half way into 2016 so I think it will be something similar with E&I.
  8. I hope so. But do not think there will be a JT 2017 dvd.
  9. Yes, I need one, loved the tour and can't wait for a proshot video and audio!