2017-05-17 - Santa Clara
Tour: Joshua Tree Tour 2017
Songs played: 23
Audio recordings: 1
  1. Is there really a 10 o clock curfew
  2. From everything I've read it looks like it, whether the band stick to it or not is another matter, might need to get the cheque book out though.
  3. That's o.k. with me. After that tour they didn't play it anymore. Or... Bullet/Running suits me too that time and still they are.
  4. That does it!
    Seriously pissed of now!
    POPmart is sacred.
    You watch your language young man!

  5. No, ofcourse not! In fact there are many more POP fans out here...not me though...
    I only have a POP avatar...and an extremely rare Pop-tart t-shirt
  6. Originally posted by deanallison:[..]
    From everything I've read it looks like it, whether the band stick to it or not is another matter, might need to get the cheque book out though.

    As if they cared about a few thousand dollars fine I think the only thing that can worry them a little bit about running over curfews is bad publicity.
  7. O.k. I didn't know that I make some fans angry about Popmart, that was not my idea. Whatever...it's U2. For me every tour they did and where I was attend made me happy.
  8. I don't dislike Popmart but I don't think they were motivated enough on that tour
  9. But I'm more in for the 80's material. And AB, ATYCLB. So the new tour will be awesome to me.
  10. I quite liked POPmart , the vibe , the eccentricity, the style, the songs (mofo, please , velvet dress) the show in Sarajevo , the guns in Mexico , South America , Adams gas mask, my night in Lisbon at the show .
    Great tour
  11. It's all very much related to Santa Clara. Thank you.