This will happen on Tuesday, May 23, with U2 doing an interview and a performance in "...their only sit down TV interview and performance while on the road in the U.S. for The Joshua Tree Tour 2017."
This topic is for all discussions around this show!
Looking forward to both if they just nail the performance. Bono's was singing like a bird in Santa Clara. I hope they nail it @ Jimmy Fallon and maybe get win over some hearts
I think it will be Red Hill Minning Town and Beautiful Day.
But I wish U2 would play A Sort of Homecoming (TJTT 2017 Version) and Running to Stand Still.
I reckon RHMT as it was released as a single and they will want to get some coverage for the the 30th anniversary edition. I would love The Little Things as well so we can get some good quality audio, and I think it would work well in a TV setting - it has the ability capture people a little bit did EBW did on Jools and EMA's or whatever that was now. They got great comments on that on YouTube etc. But.... I think the second song will be a hit maybe ISHFWILF or BD. Hopefully not BD - if they want to look semi fresh and relevant they should stay clear of this one, I love the song but live it is so tired and it doesn't play well to Bono's current voice, The Little Things does. Exit would be epic.
Hopefully after a few days off Bono nails it and we don't get another RBW episode like we did at the end of 2015
Album wise not expecting many details, maybe a non committal soon or maybe this year just seeing where things take us kind of thing.