1. Definitely prefer the album version to the new one but I like the percussion in this version..kind of reminds me of WGRYWH

  2. Confirmed, it's the new all time low.
  3. Haha yeah. Both are cheap copies of the better song of the trio anyway

  4. Again a back-alley version with someone (probably not Larry) ramming on a trashcan and that acoustic guitar that was in it. Or a challenge to try it with toy instruments.

    Apart from that, I don't understand the mixing choices. Everything is so shrill, Bono takes up most of the mix and sounds completely dry. Almost seems like they really want to reverse everything
  5. Coming in with the real hot takes. LOL.

    No, but really, I have always really enjoyed this song, too. I think Beautiful Day would be obviously better if it weren’t played so damn often, but this is a nice change of pace/bit of variety.
  6. I heartily agree and actually prefer this version to the original for that reason. Actually am enjoying the laid-back vibe and Bono's delivery here.
  7. This was actually SO FUN in context of the audiobook. Again for me this is accompanying the audiobook and nothing else. We're not going to think these are better than the original versions but there's no harm in some fun alternative takes with different lyrics. Sometimes artists want to feel free and have fun with their material. Songs are elastic and not set in stone, jam bands know this
  8. Hahaha what is this. Definitely everyone involved must've been drunk.
  9. Yeah... at least it's funny (probably not intended) - so improvement from the original
  10. Jesus Christ. What a terrible day to have ears.
  11. Did Bono find a toy drum kit in his loft, get drunk and decide to have a go at some garage recording