1. @kezman

    Shouldn't there be five fans between each of our votings? Not that it would matter in the end
  2. The final result was obvious from the very beginning tbh
  3. Boston was down as low as 7 after 11 votes and didn’t get a + vote until 12 votes in.
  4. Boston the best live film? Lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
  5. Boston stuff is decent when watching individual songs bits otherwise cold and storage as a complete convert film. Never could warm to it bad Stay through Bullet.

    Slane on the other hand is an out and out balls to the wall masterpiece.
  6. Boston is a great show from start to finish. Great energy from the band making what was a much needed comeback in the states after pop not going down so well. Glad to see it voted best.
  7. I prefer Boston over Slane. But Elevation was not their best tour. That's why i kept pushing sydney and downed boston and slane as much as i could. Otherwise we didn't need the last 5 pages of this thread i guess 😂
  8. Funny, I think Elevation is the far and away best U2 tour – it is the first post-90's tour where they definitively prove to the world (and themselves) that they don't need visual spectacle to make a great live show and they promote one of their best albums in the process. I say this without having attended it myself, I should note (my first U2 show was the Vertigo Tour) – and I should also note one of my first introductions to live U2 was the 'Bad/40/Where The Streets Have No Name' medley from the Electrical Storm single – so perhaps I'm biased? 😅
  9. Originally posted by God_Part_III:Funny, I think Elevation is the far and away best U2 tour – it is the first post-90's tour where they definitively prove to the world (and themselves) that they don't need visual spectacle to make a great live show and they promote one of their best albums in the process. I say this without having attended it myself, I should note (my first U2 show was the Vertigo Tour) – and I should also note one of my first introductions to live U2 was the 'Bad/40/Where The Streets Have No Name' medley from the Electrical Storm single – so perhaps I'm biased? 😅
    I absolutely agree with you,but I'm more a purist when it comes to live music and the visuals are ok but can take away somewhat from the band are playing.
    Popmart was far too out there but the music for me wasn't the best so maybe that papered over a few cracks!
    Maybe we should do a poll where every member votes for their favourite to give a more accurate answer.
    My surprise was how well the IE/ EI films done.