1. 10 years ago, a little sign of life for this song;
  2. Tuuuurrrrinooo!
  3. Serious chorus pedal on that track.
  4. The acoustic version played by Edge during ZooTV was really good. Especially the climax.
  5. if they tried without the gimmick it probably would have sounded better. Now it was all about fitting in those home made video's and that didn't work.
  6. It actually started out like that with that A-E-A-D guitar riff on a soundcheck in Auckland '89 (cleaned that up from wind noise in Feb)
  7. @miryclay and others,

    Found the '89 Auckland rehearsal which I tried to clean from wind-noise months ago. It's pretty much the "Trying To Throw" jam with a bit of middle-8 that sounds like what ended up on So Cruel:

  8. Drums can't get any more pre-recorded And well, Bono's "modern voice" doesn't fit this song. Also Adam went jazzy (aka wrong) at 3:20 lol

    Maybe it's just me but this song is 100% ZooTV-ish and it should just stay there forever. Maybe because it's the weakest song on AB (if such a thing exists!) but I would rather hear 90 or 100 songs more than this
  9. Originally posted by melon51:[..]
    At 1:59 it's almost as if he's gonna sing "run to you" And although the key is different, Plaboy Mansion used this middle-8 chord progression
    Although I think this somehow originated as a jam based on All I Want Is You.. There's a familiar sounding Edge bit at 4:20 as well