1. To each their own
  2. Iphone got water in it, they say if a green strip is showing their is water damage, phone didn't have a green strip inside socket, but it would'nt work, so what to do ? Any idea's would be appreciated.
  3. ^ you've opened the iPhone youself? No warranty then, whether it'sgot water or not
  4. Originally posted by Buttons:Iphone got water in it, they say if a green strip is showing their is water damage, phone didn't have a green strip inside socket, but it would'nt work, so what to do ? Any idea's would be appreciated.

    I thought the coloured strip was ti indicate that the phone had come into contact with water should you try and claim otherwise. Not that it's damaged.

    How much water was it submerged in? I've come across rain 'damage' that goes after a day or two, also come across washing machine damage that didn't go away, just rendered the display useless.

    The strip is usually in the headphone socket. Allows for quick inspection.

    EDIT: There are two on iPhone and iPod Touch 3GS+, one in the headphone jack and one in the dock connector.
  5. Get it somewhere dry for at least a few days and hope for the best.
  6. Covered in a bowl of rice is supposed to work.
  7. Thanks iTim should try that, it's such a sad waste of change.