1. Now this is a blast from the past - but maybe I can ressurect something here....

    I need help to fullfill a Quixotic quest -

    During the Outside Broadcast tour, and through Zooropa - one of the stock items that went up on the displays, I believe it was during the period before the "encore" (and why do we still insist on this 'second act' still being called an 'encore'????) anyway -

    During the brief intermission - one of the items that went up on the big screens, like a screen saver, was an animated loop of the painted trabants with fish tails in an aquarium.....

    Has anyone ever gotten ahold of this footage? Anyone ever make it into a real screensaver?

    Anyone have any idea what I'm talking about?????

  2. I think that this can be found on the bonus disc of ZooTV - Live from Sydney DVD. i'll look into it for you.

    Meanwhile, present yourself over on the 'Welcome To U2Start Y'al' fourm. Just say hello and tell us how you got into U2 etc
  3. think this is what your looking for

    U2- the best of 1990-2000 - Trabis in a Fish Tank
    find the song "one" in track selection, press enter
    at the next screen, press 1 then enter (you will notice the screen will stop and then reload)
    repeat pressing 1 then enter until the fish tank appears, and wait for the trabi's to float past
    The trabi or Trabant is an old german car, connected with east germany during communist times. U2 used the trabi in some of thier album covers and videos.

  4. did you know they sold little mini trabants
    with briks of the berlin wall as a collectersitem of U2
    all the incomming money was for good charrity .......
    are there some fans around who has this item ....???
    i saw them in 1993 in london by the virgin store
  5. Gracias, mon amis -

    I am feeling older each day. Thanks for another reminder. I have the Live from Sydney on VHS!!!!

    Luckily my brother has the DVD and he is comming in to visit on Thanksgiving and I think we shall go a hunting. If I can indeed find this little gem, I will certainly make available!
  6. Originally posted by aserapigGracias, mon amis -

    I am feeling older each day. Thanks for another reminder. I have the Live from Sydney on VHS!!!!

    Luckily my brother has the DVD and he is comming in to visit on Thanksgiving and I think we shall go a hunting. If I can indeed find this little gem, I will certainly make available!

    you need the best of dvd to get the Trabis in a Fish Tank

    Originally posted by U2sBiggestFanthink this is what your looking for

    U2- the best of 1990-2000 - Trabis in a Fish Tank
    find the song "one" in track selection, press enter
    at the next screen, press 1 then enter (you will notice the screen will stop and then reload)
    repeat pressing 1 then enter until the fish tank appears, and wait for the trabi's to float past
    The trabi or Trabant is an old german car, connected with east germany during communist times. U2 used the trabi in some of thier album covers and videos.