1. Happy Birthday Edge!!!!!!

  2. Happy birthday mister Edge.
  3. Happy birthday, Dave. Keep rocking.
  4. A very happy and healthy birthday to Mr. Edge!!! With many more to come!
  5. Happy birthday, here's to many more!!
    EDIT: Did I post in here twice??? Jeez I need some sleep.....
  6. Happy Birthday Edge! Thanks for all the great music the past 25 years!
  7. Happy Birthday Edge. Keep inventing, don't imitate.

  8. Happy birthday to the best guitarist on this and any other planet! Keep rockin' the universe Edge!

  9. No no, your other one is from last year lol
  10. Congrats Edge. Thanks for everything so far and keep them coming!
  11. happy birthday !!!!!

    Mister The Edge !
  12. Happy Birthday Edge thanks for everything