1. Anyone tried this new Google browser yet?

    I just installed it, imported all my Firefox stuff and I am amazed.. I don't think I will ever stop using it, browsing the web is really twice as fast as before and all the great features and small new stuff is really amazing

    - Each tab it's own process, each animation, your browser will never crash again
    - Your title bar will be replaced by tabs, pages will have more room
    - 'Porn-browser', browse without your browser leaving traces anywhere
    - Just read benchmark tests on Chrome's Javascript execution speed, IE/FF can do 15/16 roundtrips an hour, Chrome 500+. A table with 1500 records, sorting with Javascript: IE/FF will crash, Chrome does it in two seconds.

    I can recommend it to everyone Just try, and be amazed

  2. Did they already repaired that leak they had?
  3. If you have no problem with all your personal data being submitted to google and all the security issues it's certainly a great browser.
  4. Well I love to browse with Firefox, but Chrome is 5 times faster...

    Good browser.
  5. Originally posted by yeah:If you have no problem with all your personal data being submitted to google and all the security issues it's certainly a great browser.

    thats their plan. . .
  6. Well, I'm using it right now (just downloaded it, wanted to see). It's fast for sure, but I'm always a bit alert of new browsers. A simple leak can devastate your PC.
  7. I like the clean layout. Firefox 3 does the job though
  8. Wow! Its awsome! However, I agree with Gerard, Firefox 3 deserves praise too. I actually was going to try it yesterday, but got caught up in chatting on here.
  9. As soon as Google released it, I was straight on it and a nice browser - very minimalistic and no issues of crashing and whatever else - plus U2start was all ready with my details and whatever else.

    It seems a bit faster than Firefox (and ten times faster than Internet Explorer 8), but is based upon an older version of Safari, meaning it's not as safe as it could be.
  10. Google soon will own the whole internet...I fear Google , seriously.