Some folks were gonna leak tonight if the album didn't leak, some good news for those people because here it is: No Line On The Horizon. U2's 12th studio album! This thread discusses something about the new album, we take this opportunity to point you one more time to our house rules. If you violate them, our crew will take action immediately, so take the time to review them.
If you intend to share songs in public, it's not allowed! Please read our house rules before you post.
Also please read our Achtung Baby announcement regarding this leak.
If you want to listen to the album and you can't find your way into the illegal download circuit, you have to be patient. Please don't request files in this topic. Please read our sticky NLOTH threads.
You just couldn't picture how this was going to go, judging by the 40 seconds or so, and by all reports, was a masterpiece, and it really it over all ready? damn, that was short song!!!
I might get banned for this but this song is just the "worst" for me... Don't misunderstand me, I like it a damn lot, but the rest of the album is much better IMO... Moment Of Surrender "only" gets a 8/10 for me (that means it's by far the worst track )...