1. Thank you !!!!!
  2. Hello ! It is my first message on this forum !

    I was at the U2 concert in Nice on 2009-07-15. The bootleg video from that date will be put online ? I hope

    Thanks for your answer.
  3. 2001-11-07 Denver lossless

    I'm looking for this show in lossless quality. On u2start there is only in mp3.
    please help me!!! I really want this show!!!

    contact me at: cola.luciano@libero.it
  4. Originally posted by Risto:[..]

    It does exist but I dont have it. If you want you could try www.u2hub.com. . I am sure some of them has it. I have to warn you its a bit hard as a newbie to get everything working there (it involves a specific filesharing application which is not very easy to setup).

    I'd like to download it for you but you wont have it before next week or the week after that (if i can find it)

    Strasbourg is up there somewhere if I remember in one of the 1TB+ sharers. But when I tried to get it he was offline so I couldn't.

    Anyway, going to u2hub.com would show how to get the hub going. You need 5GB I think of non-commercial U2 stuff like bootlegs, videos etc but then I saw loads of official stuff up there like the promo singles. It's pretty easy to get a hang of - if you can work BitTorrent you can work the Hub.
  5. I'm looking for a complete, lossless recording of the 2005-07-15 show (Amsterdam II, Vertigo Tour).

    There are two recordings of this show available here on U2start, but both seem to be incomplete (both do not have the Human Rights-Bit and miss different parts of Pride).

    Can anyone help? Thanks!
  6. Originally posted by nullkommadrei:I'm looking for a complete, lossless recording of the 2005-07-15 show (Amsterdam II, Vertigo Tour).

    There are two recordings of this show available here on U2start, but both seem to be incomplete (both do not have the Human Rights-Bit and miss different parts of Pride).

    Can anyone help? Thanks!

    There has been circulating a third source, I believe it was known as the "dikke leo" version. I'm not completely sure whether or not it's the same as the unknown source here and don't know either whether it is complete. It was on Dime back in the days and it sounded pretty bad if memory serves me well.
    There are two complete sources though that never have circulated and I'm afraid never will circulate. It's a shame (and no, I don't have them either).

    Edit: I can't find any information although I'm really sure I once have seen this dikke leo source listed. Anyway, check Achungpop's database it's always the best you can do.
  7. Thank you!
  8. Gothenburg 2 - The bootegs for 360 seem to have come to a halt after Dublin. If you know of any sources for Sweden 1st August please persuade them to share the concert! Thank you!
  9. Originally posted by theedge269:Gothenburg 2 - The bootegs for 360 seem to have come to a halt after Dublin. If you know of any sources for Sweden 1st August please persuade them to share the concert! Thank you!

    There is at least a video from August 1, but we're waiting on an audio recording. If nothing pops up in the next few days, we will add the video source.

    Patience is the key.
  10. Hello hello!
    Is it possible for someone to download all the videos from Zagreb 1 an make a DVD or something like that so that there will be a video bootleg of that concert. I think these videos are great!
    Thanks and have a nice day!
    Until then... adios!
  11. Originally posted by IwillFOLLOW:Hello hello!
    Is it possible for someone to download all the videos from Zagreb 1 an make a DVD or something like that so that there will be a video bootleg of that concert. I think these videos are great!
    Thanks and have a nice day!
    Until then... adios!

    I think that would be possible, just wait a few weeks and then see what pops up