1. nice to see Gerard spoke his mind when offered a mask

  2. Hahaha - classic!!! They do look pretty funny though. So I take it they have WiFi.
  3. Always one to say it straight is our Gerard legend.

  4. Remember that ''Edge is from the future speech''? This will be ''Someone refused our masks''.


    ''Hey Edge, did you hear someone refused to take a mask?''

    ''No, you're joking, Bono....surely!''

    ''Yeah..merch told me....see that guy at the front with his mates? It was him!''
  5. Just joined (late to the party) feel free to add me njd29

  6. Just joined about 5 minutes ago, maybe takes a while to load?...I should be on the U2start list.

    I just added/am following you now.
  7. Originally posted by drewhiggins:[..]

    Remember that ''Edge is from the future speech''? This will be ''Someone refused our masks''.


    ''Hey Edge, did you hear someone refused to take a mask?''

    ''No, you're joking, Bono....surely!''

    ''Yeah..merch told me....see that guy at the front with his mates? It was him!''

    "Is he Irish, or what?"

    Gerard (shouting): "Yes I am, so what?"

    Bono: "Those fucks...I hate 'em"

  8. Some people added me and I want to follow some others as well butt who and when what...
  9. I added you dieder, drewbee88. Also for Nicole too...