1. What a night, what a show... hours in heat before the show, crazy crowd and, TUF and UV for the first time in long years. That mistake in One was epic...
  2. haha, perhaps we should do a poll: What was the worst trainwreck live for U2: Staring At The Sun at Popmart, Las Vegas, or One, 360 opening night?
    But I agree, nothing like the thrill of an opening night with so many debuts, rarities, etc. The second night was even better! (ducks for cover)
  3. Hard to believe ...we are connected !

    i was listening to this boot yesterday . I was trying to feel what someone could feel a first night on tour. I imagine being there and without watching the setlist ( anyway i know it ) but i loved the MJ snippets ...and the TUF return

    and Ultraviolet !! great surprises
  4. You're right, second night was even better... And not just because of premiere of Electrical Storm. For me maybe best concert ever
  5. Make it six!

    Six long years ago by this time (7 in the morning) a phone call from an unknown, foreign number woke me up... I had been sleeping (or trying to!) for only an hour or so after spending the previous night numbering all the first 400 fans in the queue. The exhaustion was complete but still I got that phone call, and who was at the other side of the phone? Our very own Remy. Wow. What a night, what a day, what a heat, what a show, what a mess up, what an experience. What a band. I would do this all again a thousand times more.
  6. It was also a Tuesday as well. Great gig
  7. 6 years to the actual day... A very hot day, lots of beers, great atmosphere, amazing to be at an opening night.
  8. What a night it was. Indeed very hot, exhausting, but amazing.
  9. Borderline heat stroke.
  10. The crowd 'ohohohohohs'

  11. yeah it was a Beautiful day, world premiere,'i've been there since 29th of June listening outside on a little hill the invitation concert for 500 guests. It sounded good, but better the next day :-)
    Barcelona and u2 the best for the NLOTH Tour together with Milan 1 and 2, Rome a Turin, Dublin Croke Park. I saw them 6 times in that tour.