1. She was on Interference - I think I remember too. Anyway, welcome to the site!
  2. Welcome to the forum

  3. I still am on interference, my username there is hcbiggs2002! And I spend most of my time there on Pleba!!
  4. Hi Helen

    Welcome, and enjoy!

    Greetings from Brazil

  5. Gotta convert you

    Welcome, though! Hope you'll enjoy your time on the boards!

  6. Convert me?! I'm not sure if I like the sound of that!? But thanks for the kind welcomes!!
  7. Welcome Ms Bono!
  8. Hi Helen, hello from Holland.

    I'll be visiting Finland again this summer, I've been there a lot (I was there last summer, and the summer before, etc). You can say it's my second homecountry. But this will be the first time I get to see U2 in Finland. And I'm so much looking forward to that!
