1. Hi there!
    I'm new on here so please be gentle on me!
    I've been a U2 for about 20 years now. Seens them on the last three tours - missed ones before that as I always seemed to be in the wrong country at the wrong time!
    I spent last weekend in Dublin, and for the first time after many visits there I got to se ethe old and the new studios etc... But didn't manage to see any of the band - I did look lots though.
    Looking forwards to meeting people on here
  2. A big welcome to you Enjoy yourself around here.
  3. welcome to the family
    make yourself comfortable around here, it's the best place to be
  4. Thank you guys x
  5. Welcome to the site

  6. Welcome here!
  7. A warm, warm welcome to you!

    You have seen some great tours
  8. welcome from scotland
  9. Welcome to the boards!
  10. Welcome to this great place, enjoy your stay
  11. Thank you all for your lovely welcomes!
    I have been lucky to see some good tours. My first ever show was Elevation at Birmingham in 2001. Then Vertigo in 2005 in Manchester.
    This time round i was at the opening night in Dublin which caused a total 360 addiction! I also went to Wembley 1 and Sheffield - and still not enough!
    This year i am going to frankfurt, Hannover (and experiencing red zone there - with my husband and daughter - her first U2show) and then finishing it off in Vienna - it is going to be a great summer!!
  12. Hello from the Windy City (chicago)
    Welcome to this great place.