1. There is a new You Too, you can vote for this new poll on the frontpage and discuss it in this thread.

    The last You Too:
    How do you rate (on 5 stars) the finished U2010? (poll started on 2010-12-29)

    5 stars, it was an unforgettable year - 38.9%
    4 stars, it was a very good year - 35.4%
    3 stars, it was a decent U2 year - 17.9%
    2 stars, I expected more of it - 6.6%
    1 star, it cannot be worse for U2011 - 1.1%

    Votes: 542

    The question of this new You Too is:

    Which band member would be the coolest dad?

    - Bono, he's never home
    - The Edge, can teach me to play guitar
    - Larry, tough bloke to impress
    - Adam, a relaxed dad
    - Paul McGuinness, can be my manager too
    - I can't choose / don't want to choose

    Please vote on the frontpage of the website, in this thread you can tell us why you voted for your answer.
    Your vote is valued! Thank you!
  2. I went with Adam, just a generally relaxed, not a care in the world kinda guy.

    PS: Would normally put this in the grammar thread but i guess its best here, i think Teach would be better than Learn: "Teach me to play guitar"
  3. Originally posted by Hans23:I went with Adam, just a generally relaxed, not a care in the world kinda guy.

    PS: Would normally put this in the grammar thread but i guess its best here, i think Teach would be better than Learn "Teach me to play guitar"

  4. Absolutely The Edge, not only for the obvious guitar teaching, also because I really think he's The Coolest out there.
  5. Larry. You just know he would take you for your first pint at 15.
  6. Adam might be a "fun" dad but I think all-purpose, Larry. Seems the most normal, most down to earth, and yet still the most badass about his job.
  7. Awesome YouToo
    As I posted in the other thread, I think Adam would be a very cool, relaxed dad, so I voted for him.
    Ok Larry seems cool too, but I wouldn't want to get punished by him I would be scared as hell!
  8. Originally posted by U2Nick:I think that out of all of the members, Adam would be the coolest Dad. Bono would always be off being a diplomat and things like that, Larry would be kind of strict, Edge would be alright, but he would be a typical "nerdy dad." Adam is the one that would let the kids have cake for breakfast, and help them come up with excuses for not turning in homework.

  9. i went with edge so i could use all his guitar equipment, and make him listen so sum of my guitar work, if there was anything he liked id let him borrow it then id get to hear my ideas on a u2 album (aslong as the other 3 like it too)
  10. I wouldn't have wanted to be one of Larry's kids after they caused that massive search & rescue operation in Sydney when they left their paddle board on the beach. Not cool, guys.
  11. I would have to say Larry. Seems like he would be a good person to teach a kid how to live right