1. Edge is known for keeping people up in the studio.

  2. I remember in 2008 when they were the very last ones to leave the studio at HQ at 0130 in the night. Bono was dead tired and looked like it, while Edge had that sparkle in his eyes, being wide awake as if the day had just begun - he truly is a night owl

    regarding Bono in those pics up there, I think it's like Gerard has said.
  3. He locked him there to finish new album
  4. This leads me to believe there will be fine vocals on the new album. Bono's voice sounds clean in Hansard's mic... And Hansard is kind of a gritty singer. I do however think Bono holds back too much in the beginning.

  5. Just read that about a month ago a cover band was starting to play With Or Without You in a pub in Dublin. After a few beats a man with sunglasses came through the door and grabbed the microphone and sang the song. It apparently got quite hysterical and that guy stayed for 1,5 hours partying a bit.


    The Swedish Article Butchered By Google Translate

  6. If it's true, it's an AWESOME story.
  7. I wonder if he sang it or recited it like he's been doing for the last years

  8. You must truly be a terribly unexciting, no fun person to know
  9. www.twitter.com/fakebono

    Love this account :P

    "Just thinking about Facebook tomorrow makes me jealous of myself."

    "Does anyone have a suggestion for a bank with enough room to hold all the money I'm making tomorrow?"
  10. Apparently Bono surpassed McCartney as the richest ever musician. Bono the invester! Let's hope he puts some of that money where his mouth has been!

  11. At Ali's ****? LOL sorry xD