1. I can promise anyone this: If I ever, ever, ever...get hold of a rare concert recording, I will not suddenly turn into some member of the Royal Family, and feel like I am so much better than the rest of the world...that the recording has to die with me.

    Just think about it: We all are going to die someday. 40,000 years from now, NOBODY, not even the most dedicated U2 fan in that era will give a crap who I_Will_Follow6969 was on some stupid message board. (If this world exists 40,000 years from now, U2 will likely not be any part of popular culture, but we can always hope)

    If you have something that some pig faced holier than thou trader taped....release it. Since we are all going to die, why not let everybody here enjoy it while we can. Although I don't have much of a collection, I will always do my best to share what I have. I'd love to have a non-downloaded copy of the Las Vegas Pop Mart DVD show...but nobody will even make me a dvd-r of it. Someday I hope to see that show, but I am holding out hope that I will get to see it. I have never said no to anybody asking for anything from me that is even close to reasonable. Well, that's my point.
  2. Originally posted by pleasegone:I can promise anyone this: If I ever, ever, ever...get hold of a rare concert recording, I will not suddenly turn into some member of the Royal Family, and feel like I am so much better than the rest of the world...that the recording has to die with me.

    Just think about it: We all are going to die someday. 40,000 years from now, NOBODY, not even the most dedicated U2 fan in that era will give a crap who I_Will_Follow6969 was on some stupid message board. (If this world exists 40,000 years from now, U2 will likely not be any part of popular culture, but we can always hope)

    If you have something that some pig faced holier than thou trader taped....release it. Since we are all going to die, why not let everybody here enjoy it while we can. Although I don't have much of a collection, I will always do my best to share what I have. I'd love to have a non-downloaded copy of the Las Vegas Pop Mart DVD show...but nobody will even make me a dvd-r of it. Someday I hope to see that show, but I am holding out hope that I will get to see it. I have never said no to anybody asking for anything from me that is even close to reasonable. Well, that's my point.

    well said... i just don't understand what these people get out of holding onto a rare recording??? just an ego boost or what?? selfish is the word...
  3. How come it's always the non tapers and traders that are whining about the bad "hoarders"? There's a thousand reasons to not share a recording. Get over it, there's a boot of every single gig of the last tours. Instead of crying about what you don't have, enjoy what you have.

    Btw.: Not sharing a recording is probably just as selfish as not taping a gig. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
  4. When I first got into this, I felt a little angry at people holding their recordings, but now I understand that a recording can be a private thing, just as your album of pictures from your last holiday. And you all make it such a big thing, it's not like everyone in the worlds get happy when a recording is released of our favorite band, there's probably just a couple of hundred people who actually care.

    There is an incredible amount of high quality recordings out there downloadable for free. Why can't you all just be happy that there are people who has put their time and money into something, and then released it for free?

    Be glad for what you've got instead of being angry because of what you haven't got. If every whiner could adopt that, they would also get happier! Think about it, happiness without a recording of U2 concert number 567, it is possible
  5. Wow. This is very entertaining to follow......
  6. This performance of Bad is amazing! Love the snippet!
  7. Originally posted by pleasegone:I can promise anyone this: If I ever, ever, ever...get hold of a rare concert recording, I will not suddenly turn into some member of the Royal Family, and feel like I am so much better than the rest of the world...that the recording has to die with me.

    Perhaps indeed it is a kind of political thing, so to speak, not to share
    these kind of superior recordings (and/or mixes) with the masses. For it
    is obvious that the value of these recordings decreases the more they are
    in circulation (matter of supply and demand). Value, then, is defined in
    'availability' - or 'rare-ness' if you like - and access to these rare
    sources is something that could make it worthwhile for tapers to invest
    in both money and risk (IEM recordings just don't come 'falling from the sky'!).

    So, in this case, we have a matter of violated trust; one trader didn't
    meet up his (or her) end of the deal. The punishment is to devaluate the
    material involved (the trader has this great recording, but so do we).
    Now if this trader is a big player in the field - which I doubt - he or she
    could do the same with other special recordings (a real 'traders' war might
    be at hand!). One could see from this analysis that there is some kind of
    violence within this game of supply and demand. What makes it political is
    that the masses are being used as an end in order to protect the value of
    the special recordings that are only available for the elite (or those who

    Ironic: as long as U2 refuses to make every concert available in professional sound
    quality, this kind of violence won't stop. There will be always those who 'have' and
    those who 'have not'. It is not in the hands of single inividuals to end this mechanism
    - not the tapers, not the traders, nor the 'traitors'.

    If one loathes these kind of politics and if one wants to have a clear conscious, then
    there is only one thing to do: don't download this and don't listen to it (because if nobody
    wants these kinds of recordings, the value of them would be zero).

    My point? We are one but we are not the same (...)

  8. wow
  9. This is brilliant. I'm a Vertigo hater but i'm enjoying this.

  10. shit that's old

    i love the version of walk on though - it's great stuff