2015-05-15 - Vancouver
Turne: Innocence and Experience tour
Songs played: 26
Ses kayıtları: 6
Videolar: 1
  1. Yep, stumbled upon it last week.

    Just signed up to Periscope and watched the video from earlier, can't wait to tune in live!
  2. Originally posted by iTim:Yep, stumbled upon it last week.

    Just signed up to Periscope and watched the video from earlier, can't wait to tune in live!
    Just signed up myself. So who should I follow and where did you watch what video from when??
  3. Periscope only available for Apple products?
  4. Follow "soivancouver" for Scott's videos. There's only one so far, a short introduction to the app and the GA queue. But it all looks promising for Thursday
  5. Yeah for now it's iOS only indeed.
  6. U2.com has updated their tour FAQ.
    Show starts 7:30, will update the site timings as well
  7. ready for the tour

  8. ready for the tour

  9. Just bizarre that there is already a GA line forming..
  10. boggled by that as well. hope this is not a trend that catches on to european concerts as well...