U2:UV Achtung Baby at the Sphere
Legs (1): 2023-2024
Shows: 40
  1. Hello, me and my friend Rick are still looking for 1 GA ticket for the U2 Antwerp show of 13 october. Both of us were at the cancelled Stockholm show. Our crowdfunding campagin (www.back2stockholm.nl) in order to fly back for the replacement show failed and now we want to wash away our disappointment with the show in Antwerp.

    If you have 1xGA for the Antwerp 13/10 show please contact me
    Our gratitude will be eternal. There is no them. Only us. :-)
    Thanks, Richard van Oosterhout & Rick Radenborg
  2. LOOKING FOR 2x GA Cologne 1 (17th), can trade in my wrongly purchased (Eventim System Error) 2xGA for Cologne 2 (18th)
  3. Hi, there are 8 of us going to the show. We are all from California and seeing the Belfast show on the 19th and the Dublin show in the 23rd. We need one more GA for the 23rd show. If you are attending and your fiend can't make it let's work something out.
  4. Still looking for 2 tickets for the Dublin show on 28/11, I know I'm not the only one... who can help us ?
  5. I wanna trade 1 GA Antwerpen 14th for a GA 17th Cologne.
    Please contact me.
  6. Searching for ONE GA Ticket LEFT Cologne on Saturday 17th.
  7. You can still choose a different side if you want upon entry, so widen your search to right too I'd say (that's how it worked in Berlin)
  8. Since I was fortunate to take part to the cancelled Stockholm gig, just standing outside the arena, Iam still looking for a another go.
    Looking for a London1 ticket on 25th. Please contact via mail. akipetia@hotmail.com
    That is actually only possible
  9. Originally posted by freaky:Since I was fortunate to take part to the cancelled Stockholm gig, just standing outside the arena, Iam still looking for a another go.
    Looking for a London1 ticket on 25th. Please contact via mail. akipetia@hotmail.com
    That is actually only possible date I can make.
  10. Looking for 1 GA for London 3.
  11. trading 1 GA for Antwerp1 (13th) for 1 GA Antwerp2 (14th). Contact me if interested
  12. I don't know how to delete this post haha.