2018-11-05 - Dublin
Trasa: Experience and Innocence tour
Wykonane utwory: 24
Nagrania audio: 1
  1. ok now....forgive me if i am frustrated with the 'ticket drop' maybe someday i will get lucky to get a ticket drop like everyone else
  2. Originally posted by peatiedog:ok now....forgive me if i am frustrated with the 'ticket drop' maybe someday i will get lucky to get a ticket drop like everyone else
    I don't want to add to your misery but there was another drop (at least for night 3) this morning.
  3. no misery just a constant reminder how much ticketmaster SUKS!
  4. Ticket Drop Dublin 1 & 2 ticketmaster.ie

  5. Damn... saw a drop for the Saterday show but after log-in it was already gone.

    Any help for a single ticket for the Monday, Friday or Saturday show is very welcome!
  6. Received Dublin 3 tickets in the post today. Bought for a friend. Would love them back!
  7. Ticketdrops for Dublin (I have seen at least 1 & 2)
  8. Thanks. It only seems like Dublin 2 GA right now.
  9. Looks like they held back thousands of standing for Dublin .
  10. How come I see nothing?