Male, 35
Lives in:
United States
Working out, Music, and I think that’s it ?
Forum posts:
18 years ago
personal record

favorite tour: U2 360° Tour
"Finally unseating The Elevation Tour as it ages. I believe this was my generations "ZOO TV" and it is unlikely that we will ever see them do something like this again. The constant song surprises, plus this was the last tour Edge was using all of his original gear. In my opinion, U2 will never top this, although i'm open to being wrong. "
favorite show: 2001-09-01 - Slane
"The record I learned how to play guitar, drums, bass and sing on. "
favorite album: All That You Can't Leave Behind
"This was the first U2 record I ever had. This is essentially tied with TJT, AB, and Pop. "
favorite song: Bad
"Used to be streets, but in recent years this song has taken over. I have always loved the vibe of this tune. The message behind the song is haunting. "

about thebonodrums
Dedicated U2 fan of 20 plus years. Started with ATYCLB and haven’t stopped since. Check out my U2 tribute “U2-America”.
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