2005-09-23 - Minneapolis, Minnesota - Target Center


Uwagi do wykonania: Crumbs From Your Table makes its live debut. The second Vertigo is impromptu - Edge and Adam had actually already swapped instruments to play 40 before Bono yelled for Vertigo.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

utwory per album

  1. How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb (9)
  2. The Joshua Tree (4)
  3. All That You Can't Leave Behind (2)
  4. Boy (2)
  5. Achtung Baby (2)
  6. War (1)
  7. Passengers (1)
  8. The Unforgettable Fire (1)
  9. Zooropa (1)
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Uczestnicy koncertu: 30

18 użytkownicy z Minnesota:
Larva, bcberg, cubsfan4life, dlefremmos, dmb1971, dtrip01, ehubert, erinr11, grantthomas, kah68, lilyercs, moneyman2u, msmcload, spfletty, superkid, thet1000, worldclassfad, xunclejessex

3 z Iowa: eep6478, marus1987, trstno1
2 z Canada: JewBoy, btrumper
2 z Washington: DJSoulless, tls_sea
1 z Illinois: AkashaLin
1 z Michigan: Blue_Room
1 z California: TheLedZeppelin
1 z South Carolina: coastalchants

recenzja DannyJ12

9 lata temu


my first time seeing them in the flesh - incredible experience - everything I'd hoped for - I found the first time seeing them as an overwhelming experience in terms of how much heart and energy they pour in - was pleasantly surprised at how energetic The Edge was out on the ellipse - especially during The Electric Co.


decent but obviously an audience microphone - not nearly as good as others I've heard, though I have this one for nostalgia's sake
Nagranie: Audience microphone - 3 gwiazdki


one of the most cohesive and energetic crowds I've ever been in


really amazing - highlights would include the openers - Bono appearing on the ellipse during City of Blinding Lights - Vertigo blew everyone's hair off (great encore choice as well - nice to see some impromptu stuff going on)

recenzje uczestników koncertu

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DannyJ12 Czytaj dalej

wszystkie recenzje

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U2NUMB Czytaj dalej
patou2 Czytaj dalej
DannyJ12 Czytaj dalej

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