2005-10-11 - New York, New York - Madison Square Garden


Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

chansons par album

  1. How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb (8)
  2. The Joshua Tree (4)
  3. All That You Can't Leave Behind (3)
  4. War (2)
  5. Boy (1)
  6. Passengers (1)
  7. The Unforgettable Fire (1)
  8. Achtung Baby (1)
  9. Zooropa (1)

meilleurs performances de chansons

  1. Crumbs From Your Table (3 votes)

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Participants au concert: 18

United Kingdom
3 utilisateurs de Netherlands: enak12, phofstee, rubenennoa
3 de United Kingdom: Kite70, cdparky, zaqarya
2 de Canada: beerok, jahorro
2 de New York: Goofyclowndog, tsnafus
2 de Germany: VanHimmel, tuf_1974
1 de Idaho: BradF
1 de District of Columbia: Clancy3434
1 de Hungary: kicsob
1 de New Jersey: Popfan
1 de California: nuzzer1
1 de Minnesota: SLEDDOG9

revue par cesar_garza01

il y a 9 années


Great performance of all members of the band, specially for the second half of the show. Bono had some problems with his voice, but nothing serious.


Good sound that balances band and audience. There's a hiccup right at the beginning of COBL, but fortunately the concert hadn't started.
Enregistrement: Audience microphone - 4 étoiles


You can hear them well and there is no annoying chatter between songs.


Very good show, the best of it was the encore. Some of the early songs like Elevation were a little bit flat.
-- Out Of Control
-- Miss Sarajevo. Bono sang the opera part quite good, one of the best Vertigo versions.
-- Ol'Man River snippet
-- Stuck In A Moment was great
-- Fast Cars. Perhaps the best performance of this song.
-- WOWY, with Shine Like Stars and an encore of "oooh oooh"s. Always great to have them both.
-- Crumbs From Your Table. I wish they tried this song earlier in the tour and mixed the setlist more.

tous les commentaires

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virlio Lire plus
patou2 Lire plus
CMIPalaeo Lire plus
cesar_garza01 Lire plus

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Audience microphone

  • Origines: Audience microphone
  • Qualité basée sur les revues:
  • Téléchargements: 971

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  1. U2 in New York