2009-03-04 - New York, New York - Ed Sullivan Theater


Notas de la actuación: U2 make their third of five consecutive appearances on the Late Show with David Letterman. This is the live debut of Crazy Tonight.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

canciones por album

  1. No Line On The Horizon (1)

mejores versiones de la canción

  1. I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight (6 votos)

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asistentes al concierto: 3

New York
New York
2 usuarios de New York: daviddevaul, tsnafus
1 de Texas: TDarby719

reseña por u2experience

4 meses atrás


U2's performance was simply amazing. Their show was a perfect blend of musical skill and emotional delivery. The audio quality was exceptional, allowing each note to resonate clearly and powerfully. The interpretation of the songs was passionate and full of energy, creating a unique experience for the audience.


The sound quality is simply amazing, captivating, and exceptionally crisp.

Grabación: HDTV Broadcast - 5 estrellas


The audience was elegant and effervescent, adding to the overall atmosphere of the event.


It's a gem, the best live performance of this song is this one.

todas las reseñas

Concierto general  
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  • Descargas totales: 1676


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HDTV Broadcast

  • Orígenes: HDTV Broadcast
  • Linaje: CBS HDTV>Motorola DCT3412 I DVR>FireWire>CapDVHS>You
  • Calidad basada en reseñas:
  • Descargas: 1446

Audio / MP3

Bit depth: 16, velocidad de muestra: 44100, canales: 2
Descarga via Mega.co.nz

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