2009-07-07 - Milan, Italy - San Siro

şarkı listesi

Destek hareketi: Snow Patrol
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

Hangi albümden kaç şarkı

  1. No Line On The Horizon (7)
  2. All That You Can't Leave Behind (3)
  3. The Joshua Tree (3)
  4. The Unforgettable Fire (3)
  5. How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb (2)
  6. Achtung Baby (2)
  7. Rattle and Hum (1)
  8. War (1)

en iyi şarkı performansları

  1. Stand By Me (18 oylar)
  2. Unknown Caller (17 oylar)
  3. Magnificent (16 oylar)
  4. Ultra Violet (Light My Way) (13 oylar)
  5. Breathe (10 oylar)
  6. I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (9 oylar)
  7. Party Girl (8 oylar)
  8. In A Little While (7 oylar)
  9. Moment of Surrender (6 oylar)
  10. The Unforgettable Fire (6 oylar)
  11. No Line On The Horizon (6 oylar)
  12. Angel Of Harlem (5 oylar)
  13. Vertigo (4 oylar)

Hangi gösterilere gittiğinizi ve hangi gösterilere gideceğinizi bilmek isteriz. Bu sayfada hangi üyelerin bu gösteriye gittiğini veya gideceğini görebilirsiniz. Buradan bazı üyelere gösteriyle ilgili konuşmak veya görüşmek için özel mesaj atabilirsiniz.

katılanları göster: 150

Italy dan/den 100 kullanıcı:
ATTILA, Ares_sbs, BadFire, Borrister, Costav, FireSparky, Fly40, FrankyU2, Frazzo73, Gianninnn, Gianniscatman, Hydrax, Iena89, Larry85, Laura2312, Mariobrus, Mofo1973, MrAkille, MrCobalt, Neo, OCTOBERGULL, Protopapa, Racerman, Seveneleven, Super2575, Totto1981, U2pub, Unforire, VALE69, _Gropius71_, abu2, albyu2, aleperetti, armadillone69, asr1927, bardas, basovox, bbdvd, bono66, cfb, cfrabu2, davec82, davide66, djego, dodododo, domevox, ebarbo, ego, elen82, fabiouno, fabriset, flyingkite, giambaone, giammaz, giancky76, giangi1990, giorgio1888, hammers, ildobro, ivanm85, kampa90, kiss, lorenz, lucau2, marco_panzetti, marcobonadeo, marcolino, marksheep, mastrovox, milko14, nunzioU2, paolino81, paolo1964, paolo_tamburi, patagorro, poliforzombie, rislo007, roby, robymason, roma82, sherry2610, silvano1938, stefano1973, stefano85, stefanoluana, superaga71, taglia1972, thefly3577, thejoshua, tiliucom73, tnt23, trevor, tuf2010, u2july, ultralarry, valevox83, willbutlyeats, yahweahh, zooclay, zoodelinquent

Germany den/dan 10:
4goes2web, Claudia_H, JoshuaTree1987, Oskar0025, Papo, U2Auxburg, VanHimmel, michaelw13, ojjunghans, u2tuxxi

Austria den/dan 5: bruno_handler, hanussen111, hothhome, krypto1983, slanemax73
Switzerland den/dan 4: AvenueAtlantico, Bono71, Edgeways, maidosa
Australia den/dan 3: u2stratocaster, vinniebono, zooperstar
Belgium den/dan 3: andm, gilouu2, zootourist
Netherlands den/dan 3: SeaOfRegrets, jau2, stoffel
Canada den/dan 2: Dadu, nunomoreira1
Croatia den/dan 2: Yogi, desertsky
France den/dan 2: Sebsystem, ftpktf
Slovenia den/dan 2: celtic, thefly202005
Russian Federation den/dan 2: Vanish, tower2004
Norway den/dan 2: marekz, sheggelund
Denmark den/dan 2: lepep, peno
Washington den/dan 1: DJSoulless
United Kingdom den/dan 1: nikb
Portugal den/dan 1: justdoit
Hungary den/dan 1: kicsob
Turkey den/dan 1: pecado
Spain den/dan 1: Forrest

yorumu yapan DanielLikeAlbum

2 yıl önce


Fantastic performance from everyone tonight with everyone giving it their absolute all, and even with a couple of minor mistakes, due to how brilliant the band are playing during the rest of the show they don't really affect the overall experience at all as there are so many good performances done tonight that overshadow them without a doubt so, overall everyone in is great form tonight and offer a devastating performance to the audience on this earlier part of the tour.


Amazing audience recording that really does give you a good interpretation of how everything went down that night as the performance is captured almost perfectly with this audience recording so, great job from the taper here.
Kayıt: "Edirol R09 - Neumann KM140" - 4.5 yıldız


A fantastic Italian audience tonight, they seemed to be engaged right from the start and made the entire performance have an amazing atmosphere which lasted for the entirety of the show and didn't go away at all, you can also hear them singing things such as the last lines of songs after they have ended and even fully taking over songs such as Still Haven't Found which, does also help to create a brilliant atmosphere as it shows how into the performance they are as a whole.


A must-listen 360 tour show, in my opinion, the audience and the band's performance just make this one a phenomenal one as it really shows you how well-received U2 are when they perform in Italy and for an early 360 performance the performance is flawless and is probably one of the best shows on the entire tour due to things such as the fantastic audience and the band giving it their all throughout the entire show so, don't go missing out on this show if you want a nice early 360 tour show to do.
Song highlights for me included:
No Line On The Horizon
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
Stand By Me
Angel Of Harlem Man In The Mirror (snippet) / Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough (snippet)
Party Girl / Happy Birthday (snippet)
In A Little While
Unknown Caller
The Unforgettable Fire
City Of Blinding Lights
Ultra Violet (Light My Way)
Moment Of Surrender

katılanlardan gelen yorumlar

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DanielLikeAlbum Devamını oku

Ses sayfamıza hoşgeldiniz. Bu sayfada, bu gösterinin yitimli (MP3) ve bazen yitimsiz (çoğunlukla FLAC) ses kayıtlarını (bootleg olarak da bilinen) da indirebilirsiniz. Mevcut kayıtlar, kayıt tipine ve kalitesine göre sınıflandırılmıştır.

  • Mevcut kayıtlar: 3
  • İndirilenleri göster: 6660

bizi destekleyin

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"Edirol R09 - Neumann KM140"

  • Menşei: Audience microphone
  • Dizin: Alysha (Audio Taper)
  • Donanım: Neumann KM 140 (Microphone), AETA PSP3 (Pre-amp), Edirol R-09 (Audio recording device)
  • Satır: [digital master] > HarBal 2.3 > [...] > .flac > MP3
  • Değerlendirmelere göre kalite:
  • İndirilenler: 1531
bilgi dosyası görüntüle

Ses / MP3

Bit derinliği: 16, örnek oran: 44100, kanallar: 2
Mediafire.com yoluyla indir!
Ses örnekleri

"The Other Side Of Silence"

  • Menşei: Audience microphone, CD Silver
  • Dizin: Alysha (Audio Taper), Godfatherecords (Silver Manufacturer), UnderARedSky (Uploader)
  • Donanım: Neumann KM 140 (Microphone), Edirol R-09 (Audio recording device)
  • Satır: [The Godfatherecords - G.R. 405/406] > CD Silver Bootleg > Freerip > flac > xACT > mp3 (VBR)
  • İndirilenler: 85
bilgi dosyası görüntüle

Ses / MP3

Bit oranı: 206, bit derinliği: 16, örnek oran: 44100, kanallar: 2
Mega.nz yoluyla indir!
Ses örnekleri

"Edirol R09HR (internal mic)"

  • Menşei: Audience microphone
  • Dizin: Giovanni & Susanna (Audio Taper), UnderARedSky (Uploader)
  • Donanım: Edirol R-09HR (Audio recording device)
  • Satır: [digital master 24/88.2] > Soundforge 8 > CD Wave Editor > .flac > xACT > mp3 (VBR)
  • İndirilenler: 16
bilgi dosyası görüntüle

Ses / MP3

Bit oranı: 206, bit derinliği: 16, örnek oran: 44100, kanallar: 2
Mega.nz yoluyla indir!
Ses örnekleri

Resimleri yükle

Fotoğraf sayfamıza hoş geldiniz! Bu sayfada, bu gösterinin yüksek kalite ve çözünürlükteki resimlerini görebilir ve onları indirebilirsiniz. Düşük kalite veya çözünürlükte resimler kabul edilmemekte olup sadece en iyinin en iyisini görürsünüz. Tabi ki yüksek kalitede ve çözünürlükteki kendi resimlerinizi kolaylıkla yükleyebilirsiniz. .

unknown ile resimler (46)

Tüm seti görüntüle | eklendiği tarih: 14 yıl önce | E5200 kamera ile çekilen
  1. The Claw in the San Siro
  2. Screens in Milan
  3. Lights in Milan

davec82 ile resimler (1)

Tüm seti görüntüle | eklendiği tarih: 4 yıl önce | telif hakkı: Creative Commons
  1. U2 in Milan - Breathe