2017-06-20 - Landover, Maryland - FedEx Field


Gruppo spalla: The Lumineers
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

canzoni per album

  1. The Joshua Tree (11)
  2. War (2)
  3. The Unforgettable Fire (2)
  4. All That You Can't Leave Behind (2)
  5. Achtung Baby (2)
  6. Passengers (1)
  7. How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb (1)

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partecipanti al concerto: 55

17 utenti da Virginia:
Diephouse, FrankE1228, HokiePhotog, JTR555, NukaColaV13, ZooTvFan, anyopp, bfraim, gaelenkash, habs6011, ineverremember, jusmitchell, pkunde66, randyna74, stealthboy, u2glenn, yabit

14 da Maryland:
HelloHelloHola, U2Fan_Grl, U2_24060, ahua, bmoreravor, bsmyers73, chambej1, chbyrd75, fanclubber, mdmomof7, melms2008, popmartian, revjisok, zootv1992

4 da North Carolina: GoHybrid, dhaygood, dlxplan1, ryr3888
3 da District of Columbia: _Bishop_, bobschnabel, waldropcv11
2 da South Carolina: Energy51, thenads
2 da Connecticut: Crocktacularity, bono9904
2 da Colorado: dougadams, u2lori
1 da United Kingdom: stew269
1 da New York: LJoy4165
1 da Arizona: poolboy
1 da Ohio: IrishGirl
1 da Georgia: danknapp76
1 da Illinois: Care510
1 da Minnesota: mnU2kid
1 da Mississippi: lestertriplett87

recensito da Hoosier2012

6 anni fa


The band was in good, solid form. Exit absolutely blew me away, and I really enjoyed their performance of Bad, too...the Simon & Garfunkel America snipped worked really well live. I'm a little biased, given my proximity to the tree stage during the song, but I think the first four were probably some of the best of the night. Red Hill Mining Town sounded a lot better than I was expecting, having watched some of the videos of earlier shows. It seemed like there were a few technical glitches throughout the night--there was some feedback near the beginning of With Or Without You, Edge had problems with his pedals during Elevation, and there was a misstep at the beginning of One--but out of those things, really the only thing that affected the show (for me, at least) was the feedback during WOWY, which clearly wasn't their fault at all, and got resolved within about 20 seconds, I think. Bono really shined in person during Elevation--he seemed to be channeling and exuding the most energy then, and the crowd definitely responded.


Bono is nice and loud in the recording, which is good. As taper opsopcopolis has said, it sounds like there's a bit of distortion on Bono's voice during the show. I didn't hear this during the show, but since Edge/Adam/Larry all come through on this recording fairly clearly, I wonder if it might be due to the quirky acoustics of FedEx Field. Regardless, it's a good recording, and I'm incredibly grateful to have such a good memento of show--especially so soon after the show!
Registrazione: Audience microphone - 4 stelle


The crowd was pretty good--I was right next to the tree stage. People were pretty dialed in for the whole night. Sunday Bloody Sunday, Pride, Streets, and Elevation got a great crowd response, as did seeing Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton on the screen during Ultraviolet. I heard that some folks left in the middle of the encore, but I didn't see that (as I was too far forward). I think it was probably better than average for a United States crowd, but not like a South America/UK/Ireland crowd.

Commento generale

I was #96 in the GA line, so show day was a loooooong day, but it was so worth it. I got to meet some really excellent people in line and around me at the show. I wound up standing right by Larry at the tree stage. This was my first GA experience, so being so close to the band was just electric. Bono came over about 5 feet in front of me and did the "No more!" chant during Sunday Bloody Sunday, and Adam came over to the same spot during New Year's Day, which was just wild. The visuals were just breathtaking, too...that screen is absurd. I can't do it justice--just look at the pictures from this show. Highlights were the first four songs, Exit, and Elevation. I never thought I'd get a chance to hear so many of these songs live, and to see them all was just a thrill. I had a phenomenal time--wouldn't change a thing.

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Audience microphone

  • Provenienza: Audience microphone
  • Credits: opsopcopolis (Audio Taper)
  • Apparecchiatura: Church Audio CA-11 (Microphone), Church Audio CA-Ugly (Pre-amp), Tascam DR-05 (Audio recording device)
  • Lineage: CA-11 > Ugly Battery Box > Tascam DR-05 > WAV > ProTools > WAV > xACT > FLAC
  • Qualità basata sulle recensioni:
  • Downloads: 694
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Audio / MP3

Bit rate: 192, bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, canali: 2
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Audience microphone

  • Provenienza: Audience microphone
  • Credits: Bishop (Audio Taper)
  • Apparecchiatura: Roland CS-10EM (Microphone), Edirol R-05 (Audio recording device)
  • Lineage: Roland Edirol R-05 / CS-10EM Binaurals > SD Card -> WAV (16/44) -> Sound Forge -> TLH -> FLAC
  • Downloads: 34
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Audio / FLAC

Bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, canali: 2
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Visualizza l'intera collezione | aggiunto: 6 anni fa
  1. U2 in Washington
  2. U2 in Washington
  3. U2 in Washington

foto da Scott Zolotorow (6)

Visualizza l'intera collezione | aggiunto: 6 anni fa
  1. U2 FedEx Field
  2. U2 FedEx Field
  3. U2 FedEx Field

foto da FedEx Field (1)

Visualizza l'intera collezione | aggiunto: 6 anni fa
  1. U2 in Washington