2006-11-19 - Melbourne, Australia - Telstra Dome


  1. City Of Blinding Lights
  2. Vertigo / She Loves You (snippet) / Beds Are Burning (snippet)
  3. Elevation / Spinning Around (snippet)
  4. Until The End Of The World
  5. I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
  6. Beautiful Day / Blackbird (snippet)
  7. Angel Of Harlem
  8. The First Time
  9. Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own / Torna A Surriento (snippet)
  10. Love And Peace Or Else
  11. Sunday Bloody Sunday
  12. Bullet The Blue Sky / When Johnny Comes Marching Home (snippet) / The Hands That Built America (snippet)
  13. Miss Sarajevo
  14. Pride (In The Name Of Love)
  15. Where The Streets Have No Name
  16. One / Unchained Melody (snippet)

  17. encore(s):
  18. The Fly
  19. Mysterious Ways
  20. With Or Without You
  21. The Saints Are Coming
  22. Party Girl
  23. Kite
  24. Bad / Ruby Tuesday (snippet) / 40 (snippet)
Uwagi do wykonania: Originally scheduled for 25 March 2006. The First Time was played at the suggestion of Willie Williams. Last performance of Party Girl until 2 July 2009. It had previously been performed in very ramshackle style six days earlier in Sydney after not being played for over a year, but this performance is clearly more rehearsed. Bono tries to pin the poorly rehearsed Party Girl on the Adelaide show. At the end of this concert, Edge exclaims "thank you, SYDNEY!"
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

utwory per album

  1. How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb (4)
  2. Achtung Baby (4)
  3. The Joshua Tree (4)
  4. All That You Can't Leave Behind (3)
  5. The Unforgettable Fire (2)
  6. Rattle and Hum (1)
  7. Zooropa (1)
  8. War (1)
  9. Passengers (1)

najlepsze wykonania piosenek

  1. Bad (4 głosy)

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Uczestnicy koncertu: 34

29 użytkownicy z Australia:
360fly, Alisaura, Bonoman60, Hardfelt, LawrenceOz, Luieu2, ONZOOSTATION, OYAMABAND, Stu, achtungbaby777, actlocal, blueseadiver, curtis_aus, gregxball, jarradhedley, jenkins000, jitsunoaru1, kabigon, murphytarian, pattyc01, runningtostandstill, shannon19, smili72, stoveb, u282, u2stratocaster, vinniebono, wesy, zooperstar

2 z Germany: VanHimmel, ZOOTVTOURist
1 z Ireland: Spackler
1 z New Zealand: Beckhamcrosses

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11 lata temu


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Nagranie: Audience microphone - 3 gwiazdki


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This was the show were Edge salutes Sydney in instead of Melbourne.... They did a little mistake at the start of One. Highlights: Vertigo, Elevation, Beatiful day, Angel of harlem , First time, The saints are coming, Kite and Bad

recenzje uczestników koncertu

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colbourne25 Czytaj dalej

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colbourne25 Czytaj dalej
patou2 Czytaj dalej

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Audience microphone

  • Pochodzenie: Audience microphone
  • Autorzy: Macphisto (Audio Taper), U2Kristall (Remasterer)
  • Sprzęt: Adobe Audition (Sound Editor), OKM-IIr (Microphone), A3 (Power supply), Archos Gmini 400 (Audio recording device)
  • Rodowód: OKM IIr with A3 (right target) -> Archos Gmini 400 line-in .WAV recording @ 44.1kHz -> Adobe Audition (right channel: 2 x +10db and 1 x + 3 db, clicks & some hiss reduction on both channels, tracksplitting) -> final .WAV -> xact .FLAC level 6 > MP3
  • Ocena na bazie wszystkich opinii:
  • Pobrania: 968
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Audio / MP3

Bit rate: 192, bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, kanały: 2
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  1. Bono with burning flare at feet
  2. Adam playing in Sydney
  3. Bono and Adam during The Fly
  4. The Edge and Bono during With or Without You
  5. Bono and Edge moving in Mysterious Ways
  6. Adam & Edge in Melbourne