2022-11-09 - Nashville, Tennessee - Ryman Auditorium


Note dell'esibizione: Instrumentals: "Gloria", "October", "Into the Heart", "Miss Sarajevo".
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

canzoni per album

  1. How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb (3)
  2. Boy (3)
  3. The Joshua Tree (2)
  4. Songs Of Innocence (1)
  5. War (1)
  6. The Unforgettable Fire (1)
  7. Rattle and Hum (1)
  8. All That You Can't Leave Behind (1)

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partecipanti al concerto: 13

3 utenti da Tennessee: DesertDog, chrisstraz, fancyliving
3 da Alabama: Logan2u, elijahjburks, mich40u2
1 da Kentucky: dsshively
1 da Missouri: ahilmer
1 da Texas: JudasWaiting
1 da Arkansas: slatton00
1 da Florida: pearlvr4
1 da North Carolina: ryr3888

recensito da whitneyweaver

1 anno fa


Questa parte viene solo votata, non commentata


Questa parte viene solo votata, non commentata


Questa parte viene solo votata, non commentata

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After 24 hours of processing last night’s performance, here are a few of my thoughts on Bono’s “Stories of Surrender” show.

This event was promoted ONLY as a “book tour”. Expectations were that Bono would make an in-person appearance, possibly participate in a moderated interview/conversation, and maybe perform 2 or 3 acoustic songs at the most. This would have been a compelling event that would have satisfied and pleased both fans and critics alike.

No one was expecting this to even be “a concert” much less a fully imagined, tightly scripted, choreographed, staged theatrical production that told a cohesive overarching narrative story showcasing completely new and reinvented musical interpretations.

The theatrical dynamic of this show was a complete and unexpected surprise that no one saw coming.

Bono was clearly NOT “winging it”. This show obviously required significant preparation, planning, and practice. From the script, to the stage and lighting design, to the blocking, to the casting of the supporting musicians - this was not Bono simply phoning-in his version of “Springsteen on Broadway”.

This ambitious storytelling vision was VERY HIGH risk. I can’t think of many artists that would even dare to try and attempt to pull something like this off with a straight face without the safety net of irony.

This bold creative choice required FULL commitment and a fearlessness of slipping into the pit of pretentiousness (i.e. “Turn Off the Dark 2.0” with a young Paul Hewson as Peter Parker’s understudy.)

This is the smallest tour in Bono’s career in the smallest venues he’s played since the second leg of the “War” tour in 1983. Producing and performing a show with this scale and creative risk with relatively minimal financial gain for a proven stadium act only adds to the shock and awe.

Call me naïve, but in an age of cynicism with art in the midst of a long losing streak versus commerce. Maybe it IS possible to "dream it all up again". Now, more than ever, “We need new dreams tonight”.

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  1. Bono in Nashville
  2. Bono in Nashville
  3. Bono in Nashville