2024-02-02 - Las Vegas, Nevada - The Sphere

şarkı listesi

  1. I Could Have Lost You (snippet) / Zoo Station
  2. The Fly
  3. Even Better Than The Real Thing
  4. Mysterious Ways
  5. One / Love Me Tender (snippet)
  6. Until The End Of The World / Paint it Black (snippet)
  7. Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses
  8. Tryin' To Throw Your Arms Around The World
  9. All I Want Is You / Into The Mystic (snippet)
  10. Desire
  11. Angel Of Harlem
  12. Drinkin' In The Day (snippet) / Love Rescue Me
  13. Acrobat
  14. So Cruel
  15. Ultra Violet (Light My Way)
  16. Love Is Blindness / Viva Las Vegas (snippet)

  17. encore(s):
  18. Elevation / My Way (snippet)
  19. Atomic City
  20. Vertigo
  21. Moment of Surrender (snippet) / Where The Streets Have No Name
  22. With Or Without You
  23. Beautiful Day / Gloria (snippet) / Blackbird (snippet) / Glorify (snippet)
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

Hangi albümden kaç şarkı

  1. Achtung Baby (12)
  2. Rattle and Hum (4)
  3. All That You Can't Leave Behind (2)
  4. The Joshua Tree (2)
  5. How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb (1)
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katılanları göster: 27

United Kingdom dan/den 3 kullanıcı: grummo, harmyg, paultracer
Mexico den/dan 2: jlreyesU2, mikemx
Texas den/dan 2: Hgr3, jshsolano
Greece den/dan 2: GeorgeDi, iamcrazytonight
Ireland den/dan 2: gerryhickey, jessieee
California den/dan 2: Desierto, KenL
Netherlands den/dan 2: Edwin_B, martijnu2start
Italy den/dan 1: bardas
Kentucky den/dan 1: Curlin
Oregon den/dan 1: CBPDX
Pennsylvania den/dan 1: Holler305
Poland den/dan 1: grida
Czech Republic den/dan 1: arsen79
Australia den/dan 1: jarradhedley
New York den/dan 1: paulkelly
Illinois den/dan 1: ZooStationUV
Virginia den/dan 1: kyhill7
Germany den/dan 1: TheFly1987

yorumu yapan u2shula

3 ay önce


Bono joked about being out drinking the night before…and he may have been more serious than joking (he and Edge were out and about in Vegas). Despite they were very good, they did have a few off moments…ultraviolet had a rough start, and a few other songs timing was a bit off…but being super critical…U2 overall amazing at this show!


Bu bölüm sadece değerlendirilmiştir, yorumlanmamıştır


We were up in the 300 level and the crowd was into it, but definitely taking it all in. We wanted the view of the whole stage show, and did not disappoint!


Great show, though I wish the rotation songs had been the War era songs, I was happy with the R&H album songs!

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Cind75 ile resimler (19)

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  2. U2 in Vegas
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  2. U2 in Vegas

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