1983-05-10 - New Haven, Connecticut - Woolsey Hall - Yale University


Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

músicas por álbum

  1. Boy (6)
  2. War (6)
  3. October (3)

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pessoas que estiveram nesse show: 3

New Hampshire
1 usuário de New Hampshire: teambud33
1 de Florida: Joe_Dolan
1 de Connecticut: numda01

revisão por 2UToo

1 mês atrás


Pretty great performance and actually one of the best vocal performances I've heard on the tour so far with standout vocals in many of the new songs. There are a few cracks as a result of Bono's gutsiness but they're sparse and ignorable. On top the falsetto is making issues but apart from that this was a really awesome show!

The band are tight and not only playing some fantastic solos and all but also providing marvellous vocal harmonies throughout the evening / lead vocals in the case of The Edge during 'Seconds' of course. While 'Party Girl' isn't rare at this point of their career, it's always a welcome addition, especially on Bono's birthday!


Simply fantastic.
Gravação: "War At Yale" - 4 estrelas


Not offensive but honestly, this audience was mostly pretty dead outside some cheering when Bono mentions Ireland, even during the singalong sections of 'Sunday Bloody Sunday' or '40'. The only real standout moment for them is an impromptu 'Happy Birthday' during the encore.


Twilight, An Cat Dubh, Surrender, Two Hearts Beat As One, The Cry / The Electric Co., New Year's Day, I Will Follow

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"War At Yale"

  • Origens: Audience microphone
  • Qualidade baseada nas resenhas:
  • Downloads: 472
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