1987-07-21 - Munich, Germany - Olympiahalle


  1. Where The Streets Have No Name
  2. I Will Follow
  3. Trip Through Your Wires
  4. I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For / Exodus (snippet)
  5. MLK
  6. The Unforgettable Fire
  7. Bullet The Blue Sky / The Battle Hymn Of The Republic (snippet)
  8. Running To Stand Still
  9. Exit / Riders On The Storm (snippet) / Van Morrison's Gloria (snippet)
  10. In God's Country
  11. Sunday Bloody Sunday
  12. People Get Ready
  13. Bad / Candle In The Wind (snippet)
  14. October
  15. New Year's Day
  16. Pride (In The Name Of Love)

  17. encore(s):
  18. Party Girl
  19. Spanish Eyes
  20. With Or Without You / Shine Like Stars (snippet) / Love Will Tear Us Apart (snippet)
  21. 40
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

utwory per album

  1. The Joshua Tree (8)
  2. The Unforgettable Fire (4)
  3. War (3)
  4. Boy (1)
  5. October (1)

najlepsze wykonania piosenek

  1. In God's Country (6 głosy)

Chcielibyśmy wiedzieć, na jakich koncertach byłeś/aś i na jakie zamierzasz pójść. Na tej stronie możesz zobaczyć, kto z użytkowników był lub zamierza być na tym koncercie. Możesz wysłać niektórym z nich prywatną wiadomość, aby się spotkać lub porozmawiać o koncercie.

Uczestnicy koncertu: 8

5 użytkownicy z Germany: Giagl, Joshuatree2017, flo1968, nolo68, woiferl
1 z Austria: U2tapecollector
1 z Canada: MichaelTill

recenzja 2UToo

2 miesiące temu


The show gets off to a rough start as Bono apparently didn't warm up his voice properly before the start, resulting in some questionable moments during 'Where the Streets Have No Name'. Thankfully, it isn't his actual shape and his voice clears up quickly from the next few songs onward and by 'I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For' he sounds great. 'Exit' sounds so good live with Bono in great voice, adding that awesome 'Riders on the Storm' snippet that fits like a bullet.

The band are playing fantastically throughout the show. The Edge's guitar work during songs like 'The Unforgettable Fire' and 'Bullet the Blue Sky' is brilliant as always. 'In God's Country' sounds faster and heavier than the studio version, quite a nice change.

The encore is pretty fantastic on its own as it contains a typically fun performance of 'Party Girl' with some great audience participation and Bono laughter and the only second ever live performance of 'Spanish Eyes' which also happens to be a really strong one.


The sound quality is absolutely fantastic and could almost stem from an official recording of the show but with the audience being much more audible in the best way possible!
Nagranie: Audience microphone - 4 gwiazdki


The audience sound very enthusiastic from the start and very responsive towards all approaches by Bono, constantly singing or clapping along and participating in every improv and exchange possible.


Overall a quite fantastic showcase of the band at one of their many peaks. The performances range from good to stellar and all four members are on fire which is met with a very responsive and energetic audience - the perfect match!

Highlights: Trip Through Your Wires, The Unforgettable Fire, Running to Stand Still, Exit, Bad, New Year's Day, Spanish Eyes, With or Without You

recenzje uczestników koncertu

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  1. U2 From Behind The Soundboard, Munich, Germany, July 21, 1987