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Here you can find and post reviews of this show. We encourage everyone that either attended or listened to this show to write a review. Currently we have 2 reviews for you to read.
While Bono sounds fantastic from the start (unlike the first night), there is a quite major bum moment from the band towards the end of 'Stand by Me'. From there on they all deliver another really energetic and fun performance. 'C'mon Everybody' is the first highlight of the show as all band members as well as the audience are participating with lots of energy.
The big highlights of this show (that I believe is actually even better than the first Munich show) are 'Exit', 'Sunday Bloody Sunday' (one of the most aggressive versions I've heard with Bono absolutely smashing the song like it was nothing while also using some phrasings he would often use post 2000) and 'Bad' which is just an immaculate rendition with awesome belts and great energy by the band and Bono. 'New's Year Day' and 'Pride' are both absolutely ridiculous in the power that Bono puts into them. The end of the show, aka both encores are phenomenal and confirm the high opinion I have of this concert.
The sound quality is decent for an AUD and presents a quite balanced mix and clean sound, only sounding a bit tinny and running fast during the first 80 seconds. Recording: Audience microphone - 2 stars
Just like last night's audience nothing to complain about. The audience are super responsive and sing along during many if not most songs, clapping along when they can't sing.
Highlights: C'mon Everybody, The Unforgettable Fire, Exit, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bad, New Year's Day, Bullet the Blue Sky, Running to Stand Still, 40
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