2015-07-31 - New York
Gira: Innocence and Experience tour
Canciones tocadas: 27
Grabaciones de audio: 1
  1. Blah blah blah
  2. No they're not!! It says so on the U2 website!!

    "Lucifer's Hands on the 'e' stage tonight as the band continue to mix up the set list on the fourth of eight nights at Madison Square Garden.""

  3. I'd like to break open that safe and see what's inside.
  4. Besides enough cash to keep your family flush for 10 generations?
  5. You might find the mix of Beautiful Day that has "the power of shattered metal".
  6. Nah the "missing from shows song" bank.


  7. Anyone know what the riff the edge is playing on UTEOTW at the end at MSG it is amazing.........whne the screen goes in to a yellow wall
  8. HAHHA at 4:47 you can see Bono's glasses flying from Jimmy's head And Bono looking for them on the stage
  9. maybe if he stopped twitching like an idiot.... that wouldn't happen...
  10. Also, what is that thing next to the drums, on the right? A camera?
  11. Yes it's a camera.

    Oh hey I can see Deena Dietrich behind Bono and Jimmy.