2015-09-08 - Amsterdam
Trasa: Innocence and Experience tour
Wykonane utwory: 28
Nagrania audio: 3
Filmy: 1
  1. Does anyone know where that killer remix of The Fly used during the set break came from?
  2. amazing
  3. That all depends on where you are on the GA. And who are standing around you. The crowd in general was great, although most of the crowd didn't know the lyrics of the new songs. I was singing aloud and could hear myself..

    Reaction to the classics and Two Hearts was great.
  4. What is the best place to stand in GA? And can you see anyting on the E stage if you're standing at the I stage or the other way around.

    And is Edge on the north or the south side?
  5. Originally posted by SonerMulder:What is the best place to stand in GA? And can you see anyting on the E stage if you're standing at the I stage or the other way around.

    And is Edge on the north or the south side?
    Edge is Southside. Stood North last night, good spot to see the band and the screen without breaking my neck. Bono came close twice. If you love Adam, than choose North.
  6. Originally posted by MWSAH:Anyone here who stood Southside? Was Northside yesterday, planning to do South on Saturday. Edge on fire right in front of me should be great.

    South side here but at the very end, tip of the e-stage. I love that spot, you can see them so many times up close.
  7. Originally posted by Remy:[..]

    South side here but at the very end, tip of the e-stage. I love that spot, you can see them so many times up close.
    how was last night remy?
  8. This evening is my turn, nervous already, every hour is passing.

    I am in 111, row 7, seat 379.

    Even the anti U2 Dutch press is very positive about the first night.

    Very curious to the setlist, hope for some surprises. Never heard Gloria and October live.

  9. Was that you with the 1977 shirt ?