U2 - Desire
Rattle and Hum (1988)

  1. In all seriousness though, Lovetown and Zoo TV are where it's at with Lovetown edging it for the best versions. Zoo TV are still very cool.
  2. Try this version from the Vertigo Tour. 11/11/2006 in Sydney. Great electric version. Bono even says at the end that its a great little song, or something like that.
  3. *claps*

    1990-01-10 - Rotterdam, best Desire+AATW combo ever, have been saying it for ages. That's in fact the Desire version I wanted to recreate in the video above. That whole concert is incredible.
  4. I enjoy the intro guitar strum thing (dunno what that's called) of 1989-12-01. Edge makes some nice noises throughout the song
  5. ...
  6. For all we talk (/complain a little bit) about U2 being perfectionists, especially Bono (and Edge, albeit possibly to a tiny bit of a lesser extent, although a lot more of his is behind the scenes, I mean in general rather than for specific things, obviously Edge is massively a perfectionist regarding his sounds, etc), I always think it's funny watching Desire from PopMart which always a complete balls up but still very fun and obviously they play wrong notes occasionally and things which remind us that they're human but something like this where they just laugh about it and are totally relaxed and just get on with it I think is really good fun; I can imagine present-day Bono having a stooshie about that and wanting to have it fixed in post