2011-05-11 - Mexico City, Mexico - Azteca Stadium


Auftrittbemerkungen : Although this was be the first show in Mexico City of the 360° Tour, it was the third announced, on 5 November 2010. The second show was announced first, on 21 September, followed by the third show on 2 October.

Edge leads the crowd in singing Happy Birthday for Bono, whose 51st birthday was the previous day. Magnificent is performed in a new, remixed form with a distinctively different intro and video samples of Desmond Tutu (from the same video used as the intro to One).
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

Songs nach Album

  1. Achtung Baby (4)
  2. No Line On The Horizon (4)
  3. All That You Can't Leave Behind (4)
  4. The Joshua Tree (3)
  5. How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb (2)
  6. Boy (1)
  7. The Unforgettable Fire (1)
  8. Passengers (1)
  9. Zooropa (1)
  10. War (1)
  11. October (1)
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Konzertbesucher: 75

60 Benutzer aus Mexico:
1TheWanderer, Bonomanmex, DIEKS, GuilleBriseno, IVAN_ZEPEDA, Lain1001, Luis2411, Macphisto03, MiguelCDMX, Mofo_McPhisto, U2DMacotela, acalabanda, alexpg2000, anuare82, aquilesbaesta, boeing777, bonomx, bonosvoxgirl, coach, coofeezone30, dangoodface, dapixeldude, el_filo, elayo13, elpepua, erehewitt, exar, felipeu23, javh2099, jcvertigo06, jealousguy, jeap52, lalojb, macphistou2, manolovox, marypazalvarado, maulars, mikemx, mr_chac, oscardlapena, pmiguel, pumadecorazon, quest12, rafael90210, rcguadarrama, rromerorg, rudhono, rulo55, sebu2, serch_73, smsmx, thefly_mx, tony_zam, u221fenhyt, udosmexico, ultraviolet150, unknown_preacher, zooaliy, zoonimaleous, 118664

3 aus Canada: beerok, jahorro, nunomoreira1
1 aus Washington: DJSoulless
1 aus California: Desierto
1 aus Germany: tuf_1974
1 aus Indiana: MacPhistoMan
1 aus New Mexico: quix
1 aus Illinois: molang7
1 aus Netherlands: yvie
1 aus Russian Federation: TOS1A
1 aus Costa Rica: chisco7cr
1 aus United Kingdom: alanofjones

bewertung von cesar_garza01

vor 9 Jahren


There were a few mistakes. Bono completely forgets the lyrics on GOYB and they had problems with the bass' volume on EBTTRT.


This is the main drawback of the show, in both sources. The audience recording is not very good and the IEM, while having better sound, has an incredibly annoying noise caused by the wind that night every 2 minutes that just ruins the experience. If you listen with earphones, don't turn up the volume or your ears will bleed.
Aufnahme: "Milagros en México" - 4 Sterne


This is only a rating of how the audience is captured in the bootleg. Being an IEM, we don't have much of them, but they were so loud we can still hear them in songs like ISHFWILF.


It was a very good show but alas, not captured in all its glory. As an example, Stuck from this show appeared in the From The Ground Up and it sounds incredible there. Maybe one day we can get a matrix and someone can remove that f*** sound from the IEM. Bono was very cautious that day with no political speeches or funny band intros (he'll make them at the next show). Someone did his homework and taught Bono some Mexican phrases like "una banda bien chingona" (something like "a f*** great band") and "a toda madre" during Vertigo.
Beautiful Day with a girl standing up and reciting a poem by Aztec Emperor/poet Nezahualcóyotl, although I was expecting more emotion from her!
One, mainly because of the crowd.
Moment Of Surrender, dedicated to the victims of the violence in my country.
As a side note, these IEMs are very interesting because you get to hear all the chatter by the band and the crew during the encore break.

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"Milagros en México"

  • Herkunft: IEM
  • Credits: nunomoreira (Audio Taper), Kaycee (Audio Taper)
  • Ausrüstung: Tascam DR-07 (Audio recording device), Cool Edit Pro (Audio interface)
  • Lineage: Stereo Scanner>Tascam DR-07>Cool edit>WaV>Flac>mp3
  • Qualität basierend auf Bewertungen:
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  1. U2 in Mexico
  2. Larry drumming
  3. Adam in the big time machine
  4. U2 in Mexico
  5. U2 in Mexico
  6. U2 in Mexico
  7. U2 in Mexico
  8. U2 in Mexico
  9. U2 in Mexico
  10. Claw LCD
  11. Bono and Adam in Mexico
  12. Bono in Mexico