1992-09-05 - Toronto, Ontario - Canadian National Exhibition Stadium


Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

chansons par album

  1. Achtung Baby (9)
  2. The Joshua Tree (5)
  3. Rattle and Hum (4)
  4. War (2)
  5. The Unforgettable Fire (1)
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Participants au concert: 14

9 utilisateurs de Canada:
Hwy_Girl, JahTut, RUMMY, gener4, miryclay, mysteriousdays, thefly91, truthsfate, twaliwali

1 de Georgia: dscrapj
1 de New Jersey: efisher99
1 de Minnesota: moneyman2u
1 de Oregon: ktdt122

revue par Maverick57

il y a 5 années


I've seen many U2 shows, but this one ranks at the very top of my list.

One of the things that really helped make this a magical show was that the C.N.E. (the Canadian National Exhibition) was just wrapping up so in the backdrop to the elaborate ZOO TV Outside Broadcast stage was the roller coasters, lights, ferris wheels and rides from the Ex.

The band was in incredible form that night, perhaps at the peak of their powers. The setlist was above reproach, Bono was vocally in top forum and the energy of the gig was undeniable.


Cette partie est seulement évaluée, pas commentée
Enregistrement: Audience microphone - 3 étoiles


I remember, as they launched in 'Tryin' To Throw Your Arms Around The World' thinking how intimate it all felt, like they were throwing a party and we were all invited.


I went the next night too, and had seen their regular ZOO TV show a few months before in Maple Leaf Gardens, and those were also exceptional performances, but there was something about this particular gig that has alway stood out in the thirty plus U2 concerts I've seen.

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Maverick57 Lire plus

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Maverick57 Lire plus

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Audience microphone

  • Origines: Audience microphone
  • Qualité basée sur les revues:
  • Téléchargements: 399

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Bit rate: 128, bit depth: 16, taux d'échantillonnage: 44100, chaînes: 2
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