1993-05-15 - Lisbon, Portugal - Estadio Jose Alvalade


Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

canzoni per album

  1. Achtung Baby (9)
  2. The Joshua Tree (4)
  3. Rattle and Hum (3)
  4. The Unforgettable Fire (2)
  5. War (1)

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partecipanti al concerto: 30

27 utenti da Portugal:
FastMorf, Jokinha, Kolor, LSMelo, MarioPereira, Mikas, PedroSSM, RAJ8691, Ruia, TozeTP, bcplux, carlosmarques, dianuel, dzigavertov, elmanecs, glima001, jabaq404, justdoit, lancero, migleoU2, miguelalves74, paconina, pedroribei, pedrovilhena, sreis, theshamrock, vilarinhonet

1 da United Arab Emirates: iambic
1 da Idaho: rlmeh2

recensito da ziggyswoon

2 anni fa


Questa parte viene solo votata, non commentata


Not the best recording. Sound is far and thin but listenable.
Registrazione: Audience microphone - 2.5 stelle


This was the second time the band played in Portugal. Before this it was only in 1982... so, it was a long time and everybody was surprised by the impact of that stage the concept of the show and how the band was fitted in all that. Maybe most of the pople was expecting a more regular show but that was not the case with this tour and maybe that is why it took a bit to warm up. But the crowd was engaged with the show.

Commento generale

I had a blast at this show. I was taken to a stadium to watch TV and i was blown away with all the concept and visuals and music and how they were mocking with us all and we were loving it. Still to this day the best tour i witnessed.

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  • Registrazioni disponibili: 1
  • Mostra i downloads: 552


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Audience microphone

  • Provenienza: Audience microphone
  • Lineage: Audience > ??? > Cassette > Nero SoundTrax > Nero Wave Editor > CD-R > CD Wave Editor > FLAC FRONTEND (V1.7.1) > FLAC (LEVEL 5)
  • Qualità basata sulle recensioni:
  • Downloads: 520
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Audio / MP3

Bit rate: 192, bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, canali: 2
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foto da Rita Carmo (10)

Visualizza l'intera collezione | aggiunto: 5 anni fa
  1. ZooTV in Lisbon
  2. ZooTV in Lisbon
  3. ZooTV in Lisbon

foto da Daniel Graça (9)

Visualizza l'intera collezione | aggiunto: 8 anni fa | scatto con macchina fotografica: HP Scanjet djf2100
  1. U2 in Portugal
  2. U2 in Portugal
  3. U2 in Portugal

foto da Pedro Rodrigues (5)

Visualizza l'intera collezione | aggiunto: 8 anni fa
  1. U2 in Lisbon 1993
  2. U2 in Lisbon 1993
  3. U2 in Lisbon 1993

foto da unknown (2)

Visualizza l'intera collezione | aggiunto: 13 anni fa
  1. ZooTV Edge
  2. Bono as Mr. Macphisto