1992-04-23 - Vancouver, British Columbia - P.N.E. Coliseum


Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

canzoni per album

  1. Achtung Baby (9)
  2. The Joshua Tree (5)
  3. The Unforgettable Fire (2)
  4. Rattle and Hum (1)

migliori performances di questa canzone

  1. With Or Without You (12 voti)
  2. Even Better Than The Real Thing (6 voti)
  3. One (5 voti)

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partecipanti al concerto: 12

9 utenti da Canada:
AirdrieU2fan, CrazyCanuck007, Rita_YVR, an_cat_dubh, edgemonton, ifrimc, kingham, mvanness, sholbech22

1 da California: allad1nsane
1 da New Jersey: jhaddon10

recensito da DanielLikeAlbum

7 mesi fa


The band are in great form during this show and does their best to deliver a satisfactory performance that the audience will remember from start to finish, which they successfully do throughout the entirety of the show. Yes, there might have been a few off moments, such as members getting lost in some places, but they don't defer from the overall performance that much, in my opinion, which all in all creates a very strong finish from the band for their final show on their first tour leg of Zoo TV.

Bono sounds good for the most part on the vocal side of things, but he still sounds rough around the edges, mainly on the high notes of songs, due to being slightly sick due to catching something during the L.A. gigs. But for the most part, he sounds fine and can still get through songs from start to finish without struggling that much. The only part where it is noticeable that he is struggling is during some parts of Bad and the end of Running To Stand Still, although there aren't any bad voice cracks at all. Though to counter this, he does do some daring things such as going for the "take me higher" notes in Even Better Than The Real Thing in full voice rather than falsetto and doing the same thing with the "don't turn around" notes on Wild Horses which do make these renditions stand out when compared to other performances.


A good quality recording that allows a listener to enjoy the show from start to finish. It is also complete, minus a few cuts here and there, although they don't interfere with the listening experience that much.
Registrazione: Audience microphone - 4 stelle


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Like the show before this in Tacoma, this is one of my favourite Inside Broadcast performances, with everyone in solid form throughout the show, which can be proven by strong performances of all of the Achtung Baby songs at the start, Bullet The Blue Sky and With Or Without you that features a unique solo from The Edge along with a unique snippet of God Part II which all in all creates some unique aspects that you don't hear in other Inside Broadcast leg shows. Some of the banter in between songs was amusing, too, which made this even more of an entertaining listen. This is a show I will definitely be revisiting in the future for either a whole show relisten or for a couple of song performances. It's just a shame that the band decided to use the shorter encore tonight rather than the complete encore featuring Ultra Violet and Desire that they had done at the shows before this, which were the Tacoma shows.

Zoo Station
The Fly
Even Better Than The Real Thing
Mysterious Ways
Until The End Of The World
Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses
Tryin' To Throw Your Arms Around The World
Bullet The Blue Sky
With Or Without You

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Audience microphone

  • Provenienza: Audience microphone
  • Qualità basata sulle recensioni:
  • Downloads: 1274

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Bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, canali: 2
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