When the perfection has already been reached...

Description: Awesome image of Edge walking by the side of a wall (like he loves to do) in the docks of Dublin. The big sentence on the wall is very appropriate if referred to Edge's amazing musical carrer (in the sense that he's reached the perfection). The date is unknown, but it seems pretty sure it's from the Rattle And Hum period. Credits to Don McCullin.
Band members: Edge
Views: 8272
Average fan rating: 1 vote
U2 era: Joshua Tree (1987-1989)
Uploaded by: sadb7788
Image size: 1504 x 2048 pixels
Filesize: 1.61 MB
Camera model: Nokia N73


  1. MissZooTV rated

    this is the wall of the Wind Mill Lane studio in Dublin. U2 recorded here.

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